I just had to be authenticated to comment on your cooking tips post, which while not exactly offensive, was a bit perplexing, since I have known you for several decades (scary, no?). Being the stalwart man I am, I've disregarded the affront, and would like to know comment on the post (if I am allowed- is someone censoring this???).
I have just canceled my NYT subscription for the 4th time because of the ridiculous increases of their rates. I haven't gotten a paper copy in quite awhile, and when I did, it was a mistake, I had signed up for a "free" Wall Street Journal Sunday edition, delivered to my concrete driveway, and by mistake, Willy the paper man, dropped off the Sunday NYT in addition to the WSJ. I caught him one Sunday (I'm the first house on a dead-end road, if you remember, saw him going in and was at the ready when he came back out), told him I preferred the NYT, but had gotten the WSJ because it was free, so he didn't have to drop them both off. The gentleman he was, kept delivering the NYT Sunday for months, even after my free WSJ subscription ended. I finally asked him to stop because I was getting the NYT in digital form at, yes, 3.99 a month.
The cooking section came along with that during that time, no more than 3 years ago. And yes, now different sections are separate subscriptions. Fuck all! I cancelled. Of course, they'll email me in a week or two, offering the same at 3.99, figuring you hadn't read the fine print, opted out of the auto-subscribe feature they reluctantly offer, and boost you up to 24.99. No more!
Now, your cooking tips are pretty spot on. I learned an incredible amount about cooking while working in restaurants, and would try to duplicate things from various places I'd worked. I also got to try wonderful wines, but , unlike you, I have what has been called a "garbage palate" . What can I say? I now enjoy preparing and/or cooking a meal, as a blissfully meditation, and , not often as I'd want, a wonderful way to spend time with friends.
One exception I'd make; after opening the wine, at the very beginning of preparation, drink some, then perhaps some more, as the recipe calls for. The long lived iron frying pan? A delight! Roasting a whole, cut up chicken, in a 12 inch pan? Perfect.
Hope to share a meal with you when you hit the Triangle.
I just had to be authenticated to comment on your cooking tips post, which while not exactly offensive, was a bit perplexing, since I have known you for several decades (scary, no?). Being the stalwart man I am, I've disregarded the affront, and would like to know comment on the post (if I am allowed- is someone censoring this???).
I have just canceled my NYT subscription for the 4th time because of the ridiculous increases of their rates. I haven't gotten a paper copy in quite awhile, and when I did, it was a mistake, I had signed up for a "free" Wall Street Journal Sunday edition, delivered to my concrete driveway, and by mistake, Willy the paper man, dropped off the Sunday NYT in addition to the WSJ. I caught him one Sunday (I'm the first house on a dead-end road, if you remember, saw him going in and was at the ready when he came back out), told him I preferred the NYT, but had gotten the WSJ because it was free, so he didn't have to drop them both off. The gentleman he was, kept delivering the NYT Sunday for months, even after my free WSJ subscription ended. I finally asked him to stop because I was getting the NYT in digital form at, yes, 3.99 a month.
The cooking section came along with that during that time, no more than 3 years ago. And yes, now different sections are separate subscriptions. Fuck all! I cancelled. Of course, they'll email me in a week or two, offering the same at 3.99, figuring you hadn't read the fine print, opted out of the auto-subscribe feature they reluctantly offer, and boost you up to 24.99. No more!
Now, your cooking tips are pretty spot on. I learned an incredible amount about cooking while working in restaurants, and would try to duplicate things from various places I'd worked. I also got to try wonderful wines, but , unlike you, I have what has been called a "garbage palate" . What can I say? I now enjoy preparing and/or cooking a meal, as a blissfully meditation, and , not often as I'd want, a wonderful way to spend time with friends.
One exception I'd make; after opening the wine, at the very beginning of preparation, drink some, then perhaps some more, as the recipe calls for. The long lived iron frying pan? A delight! Roasting a whole, cut up chicken, in a 12 inch pan? Perfect.
Hope to share a meal with you when you hit the Triangle.