I’ve been in the wine industry for over 30 years and have been writing about wine for most of that time. Late last year I published a book on professional wine tasting called “Message in the Bottle: A Guide to Tasting Wine.” It took over ten years to write. But I’ve also written a great deal about any number of other non-wine related things, especially since 2020. Just months before, my wife Carla gave me a year's subscription to MasterClass for a Christmas present. The first thing I watched was Neil Gaiman talking about writing. He's a favorite fiction author. One of the things I took from Gaiman's lectures was simply to carve out time every day to write. I decided to do just that and started writing what I call the daily "500," a missive or essay. The topic could be anything from food to wine to music to childhood experiences with the provision that it had to be a minimum of 500 words long. Regardless of theme, the intent was to consistently work on improving my writing and editing chops.
In time, 500 words became a thousand. And now I've written over a thousand of these missives. Hence my Substack, which will be published twice a month.
I hope you enjoy it.